The elementary and middle school years are the optimal time to learn an additional language, when young brains are primed to absorb the sounds, structures, and patterns of a new language. Our tuition-free charter school harnesses the power of this unique time in a child’s development to help students grow modern Hebrew and Spanish language skills alongside core academic subjects that serve a lifetime. 

Our language model is highly effective. It’s part of the reason we’ve been named a top charter school in California and the US. But the incredible benefits of a bilingual education reach far beyond the classroom. Here are 5 reasons a tuition-free bilingual education is a golden opportunity you won’t want to miss: 

#1 A More Creative and Flexible Brain

Working in multiple languages stimulates our executive functioning skills, leading to improved attention and decision-making, an increased ability to solve problems, and creative thinking. Better focus and creativity are linked to strong academic results, paving a path for bilingual students to earn higher academic achievement

#2 A Boost to Memory & Brain Power

Research has shown that people who speak more than one language often have a stronger memory than their mono-lingual counterparts. Bilingualism even seems to act as a protective mechanism in the brain, as studies have shown that it increases overall brain health and reduces the risk of early-onset dementia. 

#3 Empathy & Understanding

Learning a new language unlocks a whole new way of seeing the world. Gaining new perspectives through language deepens understanding of culture in both visible (foods, flags and festivals) and invisible (values, beliefs and humor) ways. Our multicultural setting is the perfect environment to expand children’s worldview, inevitably increasing emotional intelligence and capacity for empathy. 

#4 Highly Marketable for a Wide Variety of Careers

The demand for bilingual employees is not slowing down in our increasingly connected global economy. Bilingual job applicants are highly sought after across a wide variety of fields, opening up options for graduates of a language immersion program to find high paying and meaningful careers. If you want specifics, we’ve written a blog about the incredible opportunities that await for students who know Hebrew. 

#5 Strong Communication & Social Skills

Bilingual students are clear, effective communicators. They feel confident expressing themselves and do so with a wide vocabulary spanning multiple languages. Being an effective communicator makes growing friendships with people from diverse backgrounds possible and makes travel to foreign countries more fun.

Give your child the bilingual advantage at Kavod Charter School. We’re enrolling TK-8 students at our tuition-free public school for the 2024-25 school year now. 

About Kavod

Kavod is a tuition-free public charter school in San Diego committed to growing the next generation of bilingual, globally aware leaders who will make the world a more respectful place. We offer modern Hebrew and Spanish to diverse TK-8th graders alongside a rigorous curriculum, the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme, and enriching electives. As a small, non-religious elementary and middle school, we are consistently ranked as a top 10% charter school in California and the nation. Kavod means respect – we believe respect makes a world of difference. Enroll with Kavod today! 


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