Elementary Program (TK-5)
Our TK-5 students enjoy a challenging educational program that combines physical activity, connection to the arts, language acquisition, and rigorous academics in a dynamic learning environment. Students thrive under the guidance of caring teachers who provide expert whole class, small group, and 1:1 instruction. We utilize a rotating schedule and an evidence-based workshop model that supports skill and knowledge growth while developing autonomy and ownership of learning.
Our comprehensive model works: Kavod students consistently score well on standardized assessments, making our school one of the top 10% of charter schools in the nation.
Core Components of the Kavod TK-5th Program
Language Arts
We utilize the research-based Science of Reading methodology. Additionally, the Wit and Wisdom language curriculum is accompanied by the Fundations phonics curriculum.
All TK-5 students participate in daily Hebrew instruction through a proficiency model. Core subjects are taught in English, and Hebrew is presented for approximately 15-20% of the school day.
Math is provided through an integrated math curriculum. Instruction is targeted to student ability and supported in small groups or 1:1 support from a teacher.
TK-5 classes utilize the Mystery Science curriculum. Additionally, 5th grade supplements with the Generation Genius curriculum.
Social & Global Studies
Our Global Studies curriculum is aligned with language instruction and social studies so students may understand how history, culture, and language are deeply intertwined in communities around the world. Through a focus on specific communities, students explore and come to appreciate the immigrant cultures of many nations. Our curriculum encourages tolerance and understanding of all cultures.
Values Curriculum
As Kavod means respect, our values curriculum is a fundamental aspect of our program that aims to build strong character and a growth mindset through integrated classroom lessons. Weekly lessons focus on traits such as respect, courtesy, teamwork, tolerance, perseverance, compassion, empathy, integrity, and responsibility.
Physical Education
Physical Education for grades 1-5 focuses on building skill, flexibility, coordination, and confidence through regular PE classes, structured morning and lunch recess, and a variety of physical activities throughout the year. PE activities include running, gymnastics, sports, and specific skill training. Our TK and K programs integrate age-appropriate movement and physical activities into their day.
We incorporate strategies like meditation, yoga, and brain breaks that are aimed at growing attentiveness and mindfulness so we may approach challenges with strength and calm.
Grades TK-5 participate in music instruction that develops essential skills such as creative thinking, problem solving, imagination, and reasoning. Our program aligns with the National Association of Music Education.
Elementary students are also exposed throughout their day to Spanish, Art, and Coding depending upon the grade level.